Polling Places

Polling place assignments do change for various reasons. If you are unsure, look up your polling place:

Election Day Polling Place Lookup

Election Day polling locations are open from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. for most elections.


Advance Voting Information

Johnson County does not own or operate many of the buildings utilized as polling places and relies on community support to provide usage of space.

Polling Place Information

Polling Place Restrictions

Disorderly Election Conduct

K.S.A. 25-2413 states disorderly election conduct is willfully:

(a) disturbing the peace in or about any voting place on election day;

(b) leaving or attempting to leave a voting place in possession of any ballot, except as is specifically permitted by law;

(c) approaching or remaining closer than three feet to any voting booth, voting machine or table being used by an election board except as admitted for the purpose of voting or by authority of the supervising judge;

(d) interrupting, hindering or obstructing any person approaching any voting place for the purpose of voting;

(e) engaging in any of the following activities within 250 feet from the entrance of a polling place during the hours the polls are open on election day:

  (1) solicitation of contributions; or

  (2) conduct of advisory elections other than those specifically authorized by law, including the exercise of home rule power, to be conducted by a county election officer.

Disorderly election conduct is a class B misdemeanor.



K.S.A. 25-2430 states that electioneering at polling places is:

Knowingly attempting to persuade or influence eligible voters to vote for or against a particular candidate, party or question submitted, including wearing, exhibiting or distributing labels, signs, posters, stickers or other materials that clearly identify a candidate in the election or clearly indicate support or opposition to a question submitted election within any polling place on election day or advance voting site during the time period allowed by law for casting a ballot by advance voting or within a radius of 250 feet from the entrance thereof.

Electioneering at polling places is a class C misdemeanor.

Polling Place Assignments

The number of registered voters in a precinct or voting area, and a polling place capacity and proximity determines the assignment of polling places.

Expected voter turnout varies based on the election:

  • Smaller elections require fewer polling places. Therefore, some polling site assignments are consolidate in smaller elections to reduce costs.
  • Countywide elections require a greater number of polling places.
  • Presidential elections tend to require the most polling places in order to accommodate the increased number of voters.

Polling Place Selection Criteria

The following criteria are always considered; however, not always obtainable:

  • Availability - permission from property owner, Limited cost to the tax payers
  • Accessibility – meets or can be brought up to Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) standards
  • Capacity - size of the room being used, access to voting area
  • Proximity - location within reason to voting precincts, parking availability and public transit access

Suggesting or Hosting a Polling Place

If you wish to recommend a specific location as a polling place or if you are interested in allowing your facility or business to be utilized as a polling place, please e-mail us at [email protected].